No.098 Fireworks by Ryogoku Bridge
The Sumida river fireworks festival was held 2 times in early and in the end of summer. There ware a lot of various booths around Ryogoku bridge through summer season. This picture was the end of summer. This photo is the current Sumida River Fireworks Festival taken from down streem of Ryogoku bridge.
【仕様】外⼨ 横338mm x 縦248mm x 厚さ4mm
No.098 Fireworks by Ryogoku Bridge
The Sumida river fireworks festival was held 2 times in early and in the end of summer. There ware a lot of various booths around Ryogoku bridge through summer season. This picture was the end of summer. This photo is the current Sumida River Fireworks Festival taken from down streem of Ryogoku bridge.
【仕様】外⼨ 横338mm x 縦248mm x 厚さ4mm